After 15 minutes there, it's at 7,437kb (it did drop below 7.3 in the Retching Netch, to about 7,283kb, and back up to 7,417kb upon leaving the interior.
Upon entering Solstheim, my save file size is 7.35-7.4mb. I and my SOT team are forever grateful for your great work and how you have enriched skyrim. Before that I had an average size of 6.7-6.8mb, and I understand that adding mods and DLC will increase the save file size immediately. Would you be able to please provide a half size version? A quarter size version? I was thinking that upon death the giant size version could blow up and produce two half size versions, then those when dead could produce two 1/4 size versions. The resizing needs to be done in other software, I guess the 3d modeling software you use. The resizing of the cube causes the cube not to touch the navmesh, and thus ai packages to follow player will not run. I tried to make it half as big in the creation kit, but doing so causes added ai packages stop working, took me hours to figure out why. Even the gate of riverwood stops it from coming thru, and its a high gate. The present version cannot maneuver most dungeon corridors. I need a version that is half that size so i can use it in dungeons. The problem is this: the creature is too large. I am hoping to please ask you for help with an issue. I spent an entire day trying to integrate your awesome new creation into working with Sands of Time UDE. I know you are super busy, sent this by pm a week ago but unread.